This qualification reflects the roles of experienced individuals in a variety of vocational education and training (VET) sector job roles, including:
Advanced training and assessment job roles where individuals are responsible for delivering training and assessment services in the VET sector, including promoting innovative practices and leading other VET teachers, trainers and assessors.
Job roles include:
Experienced, advanced or senior VET teacher, trainer and assessor
Head or lead VET teacher, trainer and assessor
Design and development job roles where individuals are responsible for designing and developing training and assessment strategies usually for registered training organisations (RTOs), including analysing training needs and designing training solutions and products to meet industry standards and compliance requirements.
Job roles include:
Education design team member
eLearning consultant
Experienced, advanced or senior VET teacher, trainer and assessor
Head or lead VET teacher, trainer and assessor
Instructional designer, learning designer, course designer or learning management system (LMS) designer
Resource developer, product developer or assessment developer
Subject matter expert
VET leadership job roles where individuals are responsible for providing mentoring, guidance and advice to entry-level VET teachers, trainers and assessors, including supporting quality and compliance operations.
Job roles include:
Capability, quality or eLearning consultant
Training manager
Experienced, advanced or senior VET teacher, trainer and assessor
Head or lead VET teacher, trainer and assessor
Program director
Quality and compliance manager
RTO manager.
The volume of learning of the Diploma of Vocational Education and Training is typically one to two years.
Licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification considerations
No licensing, legislative, regulatory or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication. The qualification is a successor to TAE50116 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training and TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development.