This is a qualification for those engaged in water industry operations and includes specialisations for asset management, control centre operations, hydrographic survey, hydrometric monitoring, irrigation, networks, source, trade waste and treatment.
The general qualification covers skills and knowledge to obtain a broad range of skills in the water industry. It allows experienced staff to apply advanced practice and develop leadership roles.
Group A: Specialist Elective - Asset Management
This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to analyse, develop and implement asset management plans to support and optimise risk, performance and life-cycle costs of water operations assets.
Group B: Specialist Elective - Control Centre Operations
This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to monitor, review, diagnose, test, operate and respond to network operations using supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems to meet water quantity and quality requirements.
Group C: Specialist Elective – Hydrographic Survey
This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to collect hydrographic data, determine features of marine floors, prepare and revise maps and charts and analyse, present and maintain graphical information about marine environments. Completion of this specialist grouping may lead to certification as a hydrographic surveyor.
Group D: Specialist Elective - Hydrometric Monitoring
This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to measure, collect and analyse hydrometric information and review the accumulated data to develop water management plans for inland water systems including rivers, lakes, stormwater and sewage.
Group E: Specialist Elective - Irrigation
This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to coordinate and manage the development, implementation and review of irrigation plans and systems.
Group F: Specialist Elective - Networks
This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to monitor and manage network operations including collection and treatment of drinking water and wastewater.
Group G: Specialist Elective - Source
This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to monitor and manage water provisioning from water sources including seawater, dams and reservoirs, rivers and bores.
Group H: Specialist Elective - Trade Waste
This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to coordinate and manage the development, implementation and review of trade waste programs.
Group I: Specialist Elective - Treatment
This specialisation covers the skills and knowledge required to manage water supply assets including storage and service reservoirs, treatment plants, pumping stations, transfer mains, pressure reducing valves and hydro generation facilities.
Please note: RTO to insert on the testamur, the specialist elective unit group selected from the group choice below.
No licensing, legislative or certification requirements apply to this qualification at the time of publication.